Saturday, January 22, 2011

22nd January 2011

Wake up so late today. This morning from 1am lay till 5am only can sleep. So today wake up around 2pm more. So lazy today, but still need to work. Yesterday night, chat with a new friend from facebook who also have a same epilepsy problem with me. So sad to heard that his seizures happen is because of his brain problem. His brain got a tube. So unlucky, after operation his seizures still attack him every month. I heard Doctor and got many information said if the epilepsy problem is cause of brain, after the surgery the seizures will complete recover and become normal. But so unlucky, he's the different one. He said sometimes he ask himself, why im given this??? actually, this question also a same question that i ever ask myself. But nobody can answer it, only the GOD know. I'm more lucky cause my problem now already in well controlled. So the medicine must always accompany me, if i forgot take it, sure the seizures will attack cause before i ever tried it. Already 8 years I'm living in this epilepsy life. 8 years really pass so fast. from study till now and now till which one day my problem can fully recover. Some said that epilepsy cannot recover, the medicine I'm taking just for control my seizures. But i get some information that if the problem is not from family, one day it will recover but it need time. Just let the time pass..
Wish in this 2011 all also going well. In this year i didn't feel any different. No feeling that already new year. This year I didn't plan anything. Every year planned also the same. All the problem happen just not same in what i planned. Hope can keep money but don't know where all the money gone in the end..??? finish used also forgot.
Anyway, just wish this year me, whole family, friends and others will be more healthy, happy, lucky, wealthy and prosperity.. All goes well.. (*o*)/

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