Monday, January 24, 2011

23rd January 2011

Woke up at 3am to go toilet, when i open my room's door, wow... i saw a lots of mouse one ran to right side, one to left and upside also got. They look like gathering for meeting when i'm sleeping. Saw the bun on my table lost already. So angry. Now all the mouse in my house really so clever already, want catch them also hard.. Don't want to put the mouse's poison cause if they dead my house will become so smelly.. Just try others..
This morning, wake up on 10am. Went shopping with my Mother. Bought many thing. Almost all also is food. When I'm waiting my Dad to fetch me, sudden a handsome guy came to talk with me. For what?? Just want to introduce me to open the bank AmAssurance's saving plan. Explains explains and explains, see my Dad still not come yet, just listen what he say. Last he ask my name and contact number. I gave him, but the hp number is my old number.. Money also don't have how to open. Come find the poor girl, wasted his saliva.. Maybe i told him that my family open a liquor shop so he though that i'm a rich girl.. so wish one day i really can be a rich girl.. God bless me...

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