1 day more 2011 will pass half year la.. 2011 i feel really pass so fast. Don't know this half year more what will happen again. Hope won't have any bad problem happen on me again. Just let my like going on well.
Suddenly felt want to buy a new handphone and laptop, but so bad now i'm so poor, no money. People thought my family have an own business and I'm the younger one in my family, i can get what i want. They said sure now im using i phone, it's wrong.. When i was young can say is right, what i want my parent also bought for me but now i think although i'm the younger, cannot everything i want i also need my parent to buy for me. now i feel something that i buy using my own money to get it myself, that thing i feel it more meaningful. so now i need to keep money to but a handphone or laptop. Or i suppose to keep all the money for future?? i don't know why i always like that, what i want to buy sudden i will change my mind.. maybe the money is really very important for me....